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Falaise pocket, Axis defend line, allies destroy german forces!
Exit scenario.
The BEF has to get out of France.
Exit numbers have been thoroughly tested.
What if scenario, 6th AB holds the bridges and the area around the Orne, 21st panzerdiv counterattacks.
Most of the units from both divisions arrive on the map.
There fore its huge.
Modified version of this scenario.

Added more reinforcementslots.
Added more turns
Fixed map errors

Thanks to Sphinx for testing!
French troops put up a fight against a German kampfgruppe.
The aftermath of the Market Garden offensive, german counterattacks stalled the allied advance.
In the Peels swampy area hell on earth awaits the US troops.
The German advance to Folkestone. The 17th infantry division secures the flanks!
7th panzerdivision lands on the beaches near Folkestone!
Sealion, battle for the Rye beach and canal.
Allies press forward to Eindhoven. Kampfgruppe Roestler has to stop them.
Fight for several major cities. Russian breakthrough, Germans defending.
This is no walkover and it is especially tough for the German player.
Make a solid plan with backup, there is little space for errors.
19 panzer attacks Glowaczow, can the Russians withstand?
Major modification of my own scenario:
- Germany starts pre-planned bombardment,even under AI control!
- Polish fortifications relocated to prove better fields of fire
**this is a non-historical game, in that the background story is pure fiction. It is however, created to provide a challenge to two CM players by utilizing the “war game construction set” aspect of CMBB. It is ONLY intended for “head to head” play, and should not be played against the AI, due to the complex tactical aspects presented in the scenario. Please read the briefing carefully, and review your assets and goals.
**This scenario should be played double-blind! – for a fair game and a fun experience, do not view the briefing or opening set up of more than one side – there are parts of each that, if known, would prevent a fair game**
General Briefing
The Eastern European nation of Vulgaria is a small monarchy on the Black Sea coast. The young nation was created from the post-1918 dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian empire. The two decades following the Great War have been ones of relative serenity, and with the steady hand of King Olaf I and his ministers, the nation had managed to avoid entanglement into the web of alliances that have subsequently dragged the rest of Europe into the conflagration that is now known as World War Two.
King Olaf I managed to hold the various factions of his nation together, and to placate both the Axis and the USSR by supplying both sides with raw materials - coal and lumber in particular, and finished weaponry from the many factories of the Kopek family, who have for generations singlehandedly been the prime power brokers in Vulgaria. The Vulgarian military had commercial relations with the Swedish and Czech manufacturers, and have built their products under licence. Since the outbreak of the war in 1939, through exchanges of rare materials, the Vulgarian military has secured captured French and Soviet equipment from the Axis powers, which are eager to benefit from the bounty of their early war victories. This equipment is being refurbished in several of the Kopek factories located in the capital city, the charming Olafburgh, on the Black Sea.
Sadly, King Olaf I, worn by the constant stress and his advanced years, died two weeks ago in his sleep. His young son, Olaf II, has assumed the title of Regent. This was just the opportunity the Vulgarian fascist party - known as the Iron Fist - was waiting for. General Fabius Maximus, the military Chief of Staff, orchestrated a quiet palace coup, conducted behind the scenes. The fascist forces occupied the Royal Palace, and the young Regent Olaf II, with neither the ability nor the courage to resist, quietly acquiesced to Maximus.
The Ministry of the Interior's police immediately set out and to arrest as many of the labour leaders as they could, to pre-empt any unrest. This seizure of power has not gone to plan, however. The leftist labour unions, heavily infiltrated with Soviet agitators, quickly mobilized and seized the factories and mines, overpowering the police units sent to secure these sites. This has placed the leftists in control of many of the armament plants owned by the Kopek family, and ironically these anti-fascists are in control of the capitalist owned sources of weaponry. The Army, which had been rapidly expanded in the past few years, consists of mostly urban conscripts. These educated and urbanized youth in the ranks have been receptive to the agitation of the Soviet agents, and most of the national army has rallied to the call of the left, and is now marching on the capital to seize power themselves.
The labour leaders that were arrested have been secured in the Ministry's prison, located in Olafburgh, along the coast.
The professional Navy and Air Force, whose officers come from the landed class, and whose enlisted ranks comprise of highly trained volunteers, have rallied around the Chief of Staff. The wealthy Kopek family, who directly or indirectly control most of the industrial and resources assets in Vulgaria, have quietly funded the Iron Fist party, and have encouraged the coup's participants.
The church, a strong agent in the traditional social structure, is an ardent supporter of the status quo and has subscribed to the values of the Iron Fist Party - "God, King, Family, and Work!". The church has amassed great wealth from this support of the fascists, and it has urged its followers to defend the King and the faith. While the church itself abhors violence, some of its followers and even some clergy have threatened to take up arms to thwart any assault on the righteous authority of the Crown and the Church. Understandably the leftists have a great resentment towards the church. Already reports have been made of bloody clashes at local parishes between the followers of the faith and the wrath of the workers.
This morning the situation report states the attempt of the Iron Fist to secure control of Vulgaria was gone awry. While the Ministry of the Interior were able to scoop up all the labour leaders at the Kopek Motor Works, communication failures between the units of the Ministry of the Interior, the Iron Fist’s own storm troopers, the local police, and the Kopek Industries Security branch have resulted in the workers being able to secure control of the major dockyard, railway station, and several of the Kopek factories. Most disturbingly, workers have seized the Kopek coal mine, and have set the nearby Kopek family estate aflame. Not surprisingly the student union at the University of Rote has joined forces with the leftist rebels, and has seized the campus.
Weapons had been smuggled into the Ministry of the Interior’s prison, and overnight the labour leaders staged a break out attempt that was nearly successful – they have seized control of the prison courtyard but the rattled guards have regrouped on the outer walls. The situation is tenuous.
The fascists have control of the naval and air force facilities, as well as the ardent if under-armed Ministry of Interior's paramilitary police force. One of the Navy's small patrol boats attempted to return to port, but there is a report that saboteurs may have tampered with naval vessel's engines and it is stranded at the mouth of the harbour.
The air force has the new parachute battalion, a unit yet to be brought to full complement, but that is well equipped and professional. It is based at the Franz Joseph Air Field. The Iron Fist party has their own armed "protection units", based at their party HQ . Kopek Industries has small detachments of their own security forces near their facilities, but they have poor armaments and little effective training. Lastly, the civilian police appear to have fled, and their station near the Naval dockyards has been set alight, after the weapons stores were looted. The situation in that neighbourhood is unknown.
Any opportunity to avert fratricide between the armed services was lost this morning, when the Army managed to move one of its armoured trains into the dockyard area to support the labour militia. Air Force SM-79 bombers attacked the rail station and may have damaged or destroyed the train, but the Army's A/A guns took a heavy toll of the air force's small bomber fleet. With blood spilt on both sides, the stage is set for a show down.
King Olaf II is known to be in the Royal Palace, and is very rattled by the developments.
Whoever secures the Royal Palace secures the Vulgarian national soul. Furthermore, to secure the palace gains either faction the international legitimacy that will ensure the support of either the Axis or Soviet forces. The very future of the nation is at the crossroads. Who holds the palace holds all the cards in this dangerous game.
**this is a non-historical game, in that the background story is pure fiction. It is however, created to provide a challenge to two CM players by utilizing the “war game construction set” aspect of CMBB. It is ONLY intended for “head to head” play, and should not be played against the AI, due to the complex tactical aspects presented in the scenario. Please read the briefing carefully, and review your assets and goals.
**This scenario should be played double-blind! – for a fair game and a fun experience, do not view the briefing or opening set up of more than one side – there are parts of each that, if known, would prevent a fair game**
General Briefing
The Eastern European nation of Vulgaria is a small monarchy on the Black Sea coast. The young nation was created from the post-1918 dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian empire. The two decades following the Great War have been ones of relative serenity, and with the steady hand of King Olaf I and his ministers, the nation had managed to avoid entanglement into the web of alliances that have subsequently dragged the rest of Europe into the conflagration that is now known as World War Two.
King Olaf I managed to hold the various factions of his nation together, and to placate both the Axis and the USSR by supplying both sides with raw materials - coal and lumber in particular, and finished weaponry from the many factories of the Kopek family, who have for generations singlehandedly been the prime power brokers in Vulgaria. The Vulgarian military had commercial relations with the Swedish and Czech manufacturers, and have built their products under licence. Since the outbreak of the war in 1939, through exchanges of rare materials, the Vulgarian military has secured captured French and Soviet equipment from the Axis powers, which are eager to benefit from the bounty of their early war victories. This equipment is being refurbished in several of the Kopek factories located in the capital city, the charming Olafburgh, on the Black Sea.
Sadly, King Olaf I, worn by the constant stress and his advanced years, died two weeks ago in his sleep. His young son, Olaf II, has assumed the title of Regent. This was just the opportunity the Vulgarian fascist party - known as the Iron Fist - was waiting for. General Fabius Maximus, the military Chief of Staff, orchestrated a quiet palace coup, conducted behind the scenes. The fascist forces occupied the Royal Palace, and the young Regent Olaf II, with neither the ability nor the courage to resist, quietly acquiesced to Maximus.
The Ministry of the Interior's police immediately set out and to arrest as many of the labour leaders as they could, to pre-empt any unrest. This seizure of power has not gone to plan, however. The leftist labour unions, heavily infiltrated with Soviet agitators, quickly mobilized and seized the factories and mines, overpowering the police units sent to secure these sites. This has placed the leftists in control of many of the armament plants owned by the Kopek family, and ironically these anti-fascists are in control of the capitalist owned sources of weaponry. The Army, which had been rapidly expanded in the past few years, consists of mostly urban conscripts. These educated and urbanized youth in the ranks have been receptive to the agitation of the Soviet agents, and most of the national army has rallied to the call of the left, and is now marching on the capital to seize power themselves.
The labour leaders that were arrested have been secured in the Ministry's prison, located in Olafburgh, along the coast.
The professional Navy and Air Force, whose officers come from the landed class, and whose enlisted ranks comprise of highly trained volunteers, have rallied around the Chief of Staff. The wealthy Kopek family, who directly or indirectly control most of the industrial and resources assets in Vulgaria, have quietly funded the Iron Fist party, and have encouraged the coup's participants.
The church, a strong agent in the traditional social structure, is an ardent supporter of the status quo and has subscribed to the values of the Iron Fist Party - "God, King, Family, and Work!". The church has amassed great wealth from this support of the fascists, and it has urged its followers to defend the King and the faith. While the church itself abhors violence, some of its followers and even some clergy have threatened to take up arms to thwart any assault on the righteous authority of the Crown and the Church. Understandably the leftists have a great resentment towards the church. Already reports have been made of bloody clashes at local parishes between the followers of the faith and the wrath of the workers.
This morning the situation report states the attempt of the Iron Fist to secure control of Vulgaria was gone awry. While the Ministry of the Interior were able to scoop up all the labour leaders at the Kopek Motor Works, communication failures between the units of the Ministry of the Interior, the Iron Fist’s own storm troopers, the local police, and the Kopek Industries Security branch have resulted in the workers being able to secure control of the major dockyard, railway station, and several of the Kopek factories. Most disturbingly, workers have seized the Kopek coal mine, and have set the nearby Kopek family estate aflame. Not surprisingly the student union at the University of Rote has joined forces with the leftist rebels, and has seized the campus.
Weapons had been smuggled into the Ministry of the Interior’s prison, and overnight the labour leaders staged a break out attempt that was nearly successful – they have seized control of the prison courtyard but the rattled guards have regrouped on the outer walls. The situation is tenuous.
The fascists have control of the naval and air force facilities, as well as the ardent if under-armed Ministry of Interior's paramilitary police force. One of the Navy's small patrol boats attempted to return to port, but there is a report that saboteurs may have tampered with naval vessel's engines and it is stranded at the mouth of the harbour.
The air force has the new parachute battalion, a unit yet to be brought to full complement, but that is well equipped and professional. It is based at the Franz Joseph Air Field. The Iron Fist party has their own armed "protection units", based at their party HQ . Kopek Industries has small detachments of their own security forces near their facilities, but they have poor armaments and little effective training. Lastly, the civilian police appear to have fled, and their station near the Naval dockyards has been set alight, after the weapons stores were looted. The situation in that neighbourhood is unknown.
Any opportunity to avert fratricide between the armed services was lost this morning, when the Army managed to move one of its armoured trains into the dockyard area to support the labour militia. Air Force SM-79 bombers attacked the rail station and may have damaged or destroyed the train, but the Army's A/A guns took a heavy toll of the air force's small bomber fleet. With blood spilt on both sides, the stage is set for a show down.
King Olaf II is known to be in the Royal Palace, and is very rattled by the developments.
Whoever secures the Royal Palace secures the Vulgarian national soul. Furthermore, to secure the palace gains either faction the international legitimacy that will ensure the support of either the Axis or Soviet forces. The very future of the nation is at the crossroads. Who holds the palace holds all the cards in this dangerous game.
After initial succes 6th pz div finds itself in trouble near Raissenei by a counterattack of the 2nd Russian pz division.
German 19th panzer division attacks Glowacsow, Poland.
A heavy tankbatallion cutt of from its lines trying to flee to the west!
503rd SS heavy tanks and panzergrenadiers attack the Rumanian 4th infantry division!
Russian assault,
German lines are thin with scattered units.
Several units at rear line needs to be defended.
reinforcements come in after each battle.
Poles advance through the Dutch countryside
Capture strongpoints guarding a bridge perimeter
Recreation of GHQ's Normandy Terrain Maker Scenario #1
"Stosstrupp- Unternehmen Kersting"
In this battle you will lead the Canadians in an assault on a stretch of farmland.
Your main objective is to capture strongholds and destroy Anti-aircraft guns.
In this battle you will lead British forces in occupying a bridge perimeter in winter conditions.
In this battle you will lead a US Airborne company getting back to friendly territory. The only problem is that the last bridge you need to cross has just been captured by the Germans. We suspect they will use the bridge for a counter-attack in the upcoming days. To complicate things further, a full mounted SS Panzergrenadier company is on its way to reinforce or recapture the bridge. Our infantry, armor and artillery is on the way to help you across and defend the bridge perimeter. It is important that it can not be used for the Germans to break out!

In this battle there will be several tactical options for you to choose.
Approach a village through farmland (8 x 15 minutes operation).
Replay the historic liberation of Zutphen in 6 battles.
Operation Undertone: Alsace, eastern France. Us seventh army advance towards the Rhine.

Remember the old classic wargame Panzer Leader? This scenario was inspired by the "Utah Beach" situation #1. It's the 101st Airborne vs. the German 709th behind Utah Beach in the early hours of D-Day. Allies have a choice of three dynamic objectives. Germans must determine the "real" objective and defend it.
Updated Scenarios
Last German strongpoint on the west bank of the Meusse river.
The Irish Free State was one of the few nations in Europe that escaped WW2. That situation was never a given, as both the British and the Germans had operational plans to invade the Free State. Forces with Eire itself were divided; a savage civil war had only ended in 1924, and I.R.A. was still seeking to overturn those whom they deemed to be traitors who signed away the six northern counties to the British.
This scenario proposes a not-too hypothetical - what if Hitler had postponed his attack on the Soviet Union and instead sought to knock Britain out of the war in the spring of 1941... and activate the German "Plan Kathleen", a joint IRA-German siezure of the Free State and attack on North Ireland, initially proposed by the IRA in 1940.
This scenario covers the early hours of the activation of the operational plans for all three players in this theatre - the British, the Germans and their IRA allies, and the Irish Free State itself.
The stronger player should play the Axis player.
Improved AI version after testers complaining it was to easy.
German armor spread out over more slots.
More allied airplanes and armor.
Better allied quality and HQ bonusses.
Tungsten supplied in large amounts ( date set to october for that reason)
Changed meeting engagement into German attack, placed the flags further back to the allied site.
Changed entry times for German armor and allied armor.
German vanguard skirmishes with the British rearguard during the Allies retreat to the sea
Operation Brimstone - The Invasion of Sardinia. It didnt happen, but if it did, here is a little battle that might have occured outside the town of Sestu....
Northern Italy, April '45:
A bogged British tank becomes the focus of a small but intense battle between German Paratroopers and Royal Engineers.
North Africa, 1942: British Tanks lost in a sandstorm are hunted by Italian troops through a minefield....

(Play as AXIS vs AI only)

You must hunt tanks to win....
At Dornot, the U.S. Third Army's XX Corps' first attempt to establish a bridgehead on the Moselle River south of Metz met bloody failure. Two and a half miles south of Dornot the XX Corps' 10 Infantry Regiment is trying once more to establish a permanent bridgehead across the Moselle at Arnaville. Since the first U.S. troops crossed at Arnaville on the night of 8/9 September, the Germans have been launching increasingly vicious counterattacks in an effort to destroy the bridgehead and repeat what happened at Dornot.
East Africa, 1926: a single company of the New South Wales Volunteer Rifles and a handful of civilians defend a Missionary Church & Hospital against ferocious native warriors.
Fight for Carentan, the US took the town because the Germans retreated( Von der Heydte) but the Germans were not allowed to retreat, so they want it back!
Major modification of my own scenario:
- Germany starts pre-planned bombardment,even under AI control!
- Polish fortifications relocated to prove better fields of fire
Prequel to Back to Manov Scenario

The Axis are looking to control this small but strategic little town, and are moving in a strike force.

Behind the cover of fog, the Soviets have other ideas.
Germany's plan to occupy Russia is now history. In fact, the German Army is fighting for its very survival against the numerically superior Russian Army. As a result of "Operation Rumiantsev" the Russians advanced westward pass Kiev in Central Russia where they came upon a small village named "Druzhnya." In this village are remnants of the Fourth Panzer Army commanded by Colonel General Hermann Hoth. Druzhnya, which used to be one of the rear staging areas for Operation Zitadel, has been converted into a Panzer repair area. Unfortunately for the Wehrmacht, 2 Ferdinands, along with several other various Panzers, are being repaired in Druzhnya and are out of commission. German high command has ordered the stranded Panzers protected at all costs because of the vital role they will fill in the very near future. The Russians are aware of this repair station thanks to information received from local Partisans. Fearful of the superior German Panzers becoming operational soon, Russian high command (STAVKA) has dispatched a force to deal with this situation. How will the Commander of the Russian force sent on this mission accomplish his objective ? If the Germans have anything to say about it, the only objective the Russinas will have to worry about is escape from a Stalag.

Poland vs. Ukrainians
night 22/23 October 1945
Bircza village,Bieszczady Mountains,Poland

Surrender of Nazi Germany in May 1945 did'nt meance peace in many european regions. Many brutal ethnic conflicts continous in Eastern Europe through many years after World War end. Especially tragic was Ukraine history. Before war Ukrainians were exterminated by Soviets and repressed by Poles. So they welcomes Germans arrival in 1941 as a liberation - but quickly cruel Nazi occupation showed Ukrainians truth. At the end of year 1942 Ukrainians bonded strong guerilla force - UPA (Ukrainians Insurrection Army). UPA become their own war against all enemies - Germans,Soviets and Poles, with great atrocity. The fall of Germany did'nt change situation for Ukraine. UPA concentrated their forces in eastern Poland territories. In responce, Poles started displaced Ukrainian populace. Wild,wodded regions of Bieszczady Mountains saw many cruel battles between Poles and Ukrainians. One of such battle shows this scenario.

Bircza is small village hidden among forests, 34 kilometers form polish-ukrainian border. In September 1945 Poles located here their HQ for Ukrainian populace exile. That's become UPA attack reason. At night 22/23 October 1945 village was encircled by three UPA 'sotnie' (three companies = 300 soldiers). Village was defended by entrie polish battalion from 28 Infantry Regiment, supported by MG's platoons.

Cruel and chaotic fight at village streets lasted by 4 hours. Polish casualities were moderate: 9 soldiers and 11 civilians KIA, 5 WIA and 30 captivate as POW. UPA casualities are unknown exactly,but they were low: only few partisans. Despite tactical victory,battle result for UPA was strategical defeat: Poles saved their positions.

Ukrainian forces are represented in scenario by Romanians.
German counterattack to retake Nyiregihaza.
Germans turned the tide and are ready to take an easy prey.........
Infantry Regiment Grossdeutschland was finally ordered forward after waiting in reserve for several days following the launch of Barbarossa, and by July was pushing forward past marching columns of foot-borne infantrymen of the Fourth Army. Panzer Group 2 under Guderian was forming the southern pincer of a sweeping encirclement at Minsk, and the Germans were finding the trapped Soviets were still dangerous.

By 4 July, the GD was in position for a final assault on the town of Tschweren, but plans were interrupted by a Soviet breakout attempt. While the First Battalion of the GD was engaged at Odceda, the 17th (Motorcycle) Company was sent to Kamienka. A heavy firefight ensued when the company tried to enter the village in darkness, and the GD troops were eventually pushed out.

The 6th Company, part of the 2nd Battalion, was some 12 kilometres away, and ordered to move immediately to assist in taking Kamienka for good. Supported by infantry guns of the 15th Company and elements of the 1st platoon of the 20th (Anti-Aircraft) Company, the attack went in at 0545 hrs on the 5th of July.

Even this early in the Russian Campaign, the Soviet soldier was gaining a reputation for his skill at camouflage, and Red Army troops fought bravely from well-hidden positions in the brush, wheatfields and woods in and around the village. Well armed with good support weapons, the Russians also showed tactical acumen and tried to flank the German attackers.
Battle made based on a story in Jentz panzertruppen.
June, 1941 - the first days of Operation Barbarossa.

Crack Brandenburger commandos storm Litane Prison to free hostage Latvian officers held by the dread NKVD.

You have 25 minutes before the deadline runs out and the hostages are executed.

Get moving!

(Play as AXIS vs AI only)
Schwere abteilung 509 attacks towards the Sarviz canal!
No 5 in the CMBB Combat History series Bäke Battles: "Der Mensch" In The East", this scenario follows on from the earlier CMBB scenario "Bäke’s Knights Cross at New Year Part 1”.

Bäke’s II. Abteiling of the 6th Panzer Division’s 11 Panzer Regiment fights a desperate armoured action against the exhausted remnants of Red Army General Badanov’s Soviet 24th and 25th Tank Corps and the 1st Guards Mechanized Corps as they make one last try to cut the vital rail link to Stalingrad.
Capture strongpoints guarding a bridge perimeter
In this battle you will lead British forces in occupying a bridge perimeter in winter conditions.
In this battle you will lead the Canadians in an assault on a stretch of farmland.
Your main objective is to capture strongholds and destroy Anti-aircraft guns.
Replay the historic liberation of Zutphen in 6 battles.
Approach a village through farmland (8 x 15 minutes operation).
In this battle you will lead a US Airborne company getting back to friendly territory. The only problem is that the last bridge you need to cross has just been captured by the Germans. We suspect they will use the bridge for a counter-attack in the upcoming days. To complicate things further, a full mounted SS Panzergrenadier company is on its way to reinforce or recapture the bridge. Our infantry, armor and artillery is on the way to help you across and defend the bridge perimeter. It is important that it can not be used for the Germans to break out!

In this battle there will be several tactical options for you to choose.
Many thought that the war was over when D-day turned out be succesfull. People thought that it was going to be a sundaywalk in the park. They were wrong. Although the German army was retreating towards Germany several units took a stand against the Anglo-American invaders. They fought well and slowed down the speed of those rushing Americans & British. When asked later why they did so they said: "there's nothing left of Germany, Germany is ruined and at the other front the Russians are coming in. Better to die here than to be captured at the Eastern front".
So they did.
The "Guns of Navarone" became famous by the movie with the same name.
This scenario is a battle in two fases.
First there's the fight for the village and secondly the battle for the garrison.
It's a 2player-only game.
This Axis 'Mini-Campaign' is based on the excellent idea from Patrick Ware, who designed a 'continuous campaign' for CMBO. He created two of these Mini-Campaigns (for a US-Army unit), named 'Any Port After a Storm ' and 'No Rest for the Weary'. Both campaigns are highly recommended and you can download them from various websites.

Because there is no 'Mini-Campaign' for the Axis side, I decided to create one.

The basic idea is, that you lead a 'core unit' (company sized) through different battles, which must be played in chronological order. Most of the time you have additional, 'attached' units, that change from scenario to scenario.

Your core unit will look different in each new scenario; maybe some sub-units will have more or less experience (through combat, or because of green troops as replacements, etc.); this will make the campaign more dynamic than the 'Operations' in CMBO.

As you all know, the CMBO game engine is not able to change the core units values, but I tried to simulate these changes.
Each unit and sub-unit leader has an individual name, so that you can get accustomed to them (if they survive, it is).

The complete campaign consists of 6 scenarios, and leads the player from Normandy to Germany. You take the role of the CO and company leader (german 'Hauptmann' rank, i.e Captain)
Name: Gotterdammerung

Type: Battle, Allied Attack, 52 turns

Location: Cologne Germany- March 1945

Time and Weather: Dawn- Overcast

Synopsis: German defenders attempt to prevent the capture of the city of Cologne.

On March 2nd 1945 allied forces stood poised to enter Cologne, Germany’s fourth largest city. Cologne had been the victim of over 160 air raids in the past few years, including a thousand plane raid in 1942, all of which had reduced the once beautiful city to a gutted mass of roofless buildings. This was the American G.I.’s first look at a German metropolis and for many it was a sobering experience. One G.I. described the city as “a bunch of wrecked masonry surrounded by city limits”. The few survivors from the original peacetime population of 800,000 were living in basements and foraging for food. A sickening stench of decay hung in the air and the inhabitants had an unnatural pallor about them.

After taking most of the outlying towns and capturing the airport, elements of the First Army, commanded by “Lightning” Joe Collins entered the city on March 5th. The German Commander, General Kochling, had rapidly fallen back to the city with remnants of the 9th Panzer and 363rd infantry. He moved his headquarters just north of the Hohenzollern bridge which crossed the Rhine near the famous Dom cathedral. Miraculously, after all the air raids, both of these structures were still standing. Furthermore, the great German cathedral would be saved from complete destruction by an enemy. General Collins had forbidden the targeting of the cathedral’s towers by his artillery.

At first German resistance was light near the outskirts of the city. The Germans had piled up streetcars as roadblocks and set up token defenses. But as spearhead units approached the river resistance increased dramatically. The Germans fought desperately to stop the Allied tanks from reaching the river where they were busy trying to ferry as many exhausted troops across the Rhine as they could. Furious tank and antitank combat erupted. Street fighting was old hand to the Germans by 1945 and they took well to the task once again. The ruins came alive with snipers and machine gun teams. Panzerknacker teams roamed the streets making several kills on Allied armor. On March 6th as the Allies closed in the Germans detonated the Hohenzollern bridge rather than risk its capture. Although the chance to capture a bridge over the Rhine was now gone, Collins was still determined to capture the city and cut off the retreat of the remaining German forces. The Germans in the meantime, continued their desperate struggle to hold off the Americans while they continued to evacuate as many men as possible across the Rhine by boat.

As was par for the course by this time in the war, General Kochling was arrested and accused of treason for not doing enough to defend the city. Meanwhile as more and more Allied units were poured into the area the defenders were whittled down and destroyed or captured. Within a few days Cologne was cleared of all resistance and the Allies had their prize.

Scenario can be played as a TCP/IP or PBEM (should be played blind) or it can be played as a single player experience. Add a bonus if you are proficient against the AI. If playing the computer it is suggested to play blind as the Allies first. The scenario should be played with default setup.
Newest Maps
Large map of a city.
Several items included.
Morning has broken on this rainy day in Germany in 1945. The terrain consists of fields, woods, the Rhine, bridges and fords, many castles, a few hills and villages.
Thought as map for an allied assault along the Rhine.
UTOPIA 1946 is thought as battlefield for a ficticious battle for the capital city of the Third Reich - GERMANIA. Three bridges are the only way to cross the Spree. Players should beforehand agree to do not destroy at least one of the bridges. And even though it is only a medium map it feels like a huge one concerning the gameplay. It is pure urban warfare. 5000 points is the least one should play on this map.
Tall map with wide grain fields and forests, a manor, a canal and bridges, a grange, tollhouses etc.! A bunker is added for the german side as two Spitfires for the Allies. They are a fixed part of how that map should be played.
CMAK version of the WARLORD map. Good for all kind of battles. That´s my hughest map so far and used in both vesions, CMBB and CMAK, for different battles and OPs. Some of them I´ll upload somewhen later.
All kind of terrain - many trees, wide open space, two huge towns, one Luftwaffe military base with subsurface V2-launching pads, a secret facillity within a mountain, POW-camp and a chateau to name only a few things.
Somewhere in France short after DDay. Dusk, rain, damp, warm, breeze, slightly hilly. Thought for 1500 points attack or until 2000 points ME.
Gentle hills with light or medium tree coverage. Mainly farmland.

That´s a standard assault map I made for a planned tournament against a french wargaming club. So I named all landmarks in french. Sadly it never came to that tourney and the whole effort was for nothing. The map provides good conditions for maneuvering of armored formations of the attacker and entrenched units as bunkers, trenches, wires etc. of the defender.
Same map as for the TINY TOWN 1945 (H2H) scenario except for the QB-map a further road was added.
Hills with heavy pine tree forests, frozen, blizzard, midday, storm.
Snow, cold, clear, dusk. Usable as ME and as Attack/Assault map. Hills surround a village with an old trading post.
An Urban QB map best used for Axis attack vs AI with some optional import units linked to map.
Fictional map representing Soviet bridgehead over Strypa river. I used it to try and model the first battles of the 10th SS in march 44
QB version of the TrappenJagd scenario. Setup zones are on either side of a ridge, designed for a meeting engagement. Any force and weather combination is ok.
QB version of the Saraymin scenario. Setup zones are designed for a multi-pronged AL attack or assault on a AX blocking position (blocking the retreat of 56th army, May 1942, Kerch Peninsula) from the west, north and south. Any weather and force combination is ok.
QB version of the Tashkenak Station scenario. Setup zones are designed for night or low-vis Partisan attack on Security troops (german, romanian, etc.). Ideal weather is cloudy night, or dense fog, or blizzard.
QB version of my Korpetsch scenario map, set up for AX Attack or Assault in low visibility conditions. Ideal weather is daytime fog (not dense fog).
8 new maps.
- PP-Budapest is lost
- PP-Obukhiv
- PP-Obukhiv ex
- PP-Fight for shelter
- PP-Spring 42
- PP-Stalingrad
- PP-Outside Pest
- PP-82e
Check WAW for pictures and description:
For your gaming pleasure!
PP-Dance Macabre
PP-Estland Autumn
PP-Estland Ridge
PP-Estland Snow
PP-Estland Suburb
PP-steppe Nizjne-Tjirskaja
For your gaming pleasure!

PP-Leningrad Lost.cme

Will release Map Pack 1 shortly...
Pics at:
Historic map of Zutphen based on a 1944 staff map, drawn from my Liberation of Zutphen battle series.
Historic map of Zutphen based on a 1944 staff map, drawn from my Liberation of Zutphen battle series.
Layout of Nuremberg Rally site. Includes: Nuremberg, Ehrenmal War Memorial, Luitpoldhalle, Power Station, Congresshalle, Kulturhalle, Dutzendteich Lake, Speer's Zepplinwiese Stadium, Old Nuremberg Stadium, Processional Ave, Saluting Base, German Stadium, Marzfeld, Train Station, Labour Corp Camp, SS Camp, SA Camp & Hitler Jugend Camp. Based on article in After The Battle Magazine.
Los Alamos was America's main Atomic Research centre during the war, located on a high plateau covered with pine forest in New Mexico. Layout includes Delta, Gamma & Sigma Labs, Med Lab, Trinity Way, Warehouses, Admin, Boiler House, Commissary, Post Office & Foundry.
Reichswehr Lipetsk was a secret German aviation centre established with Soviet permission in 1928 in Lipetsk Russia. It ran till 1933 testing new technologies & tactics involving bombs, armament installations & aircraft. Layout includes Fuel Dump, Firehouse, Engine Workshop, Wood Frame Workshop, Metal Workshop, Russian Liaison Office, Barracks, HQ & Admin, Mess & Rec Hut, Kitchen, Hangers, Power Stn & Radio Hut.
Layout of Travemunde Seaplane Testing Centre. Includes Hangers, HQ & Administration, Barracks, Launch Ramps, Operations, Wireless Station, Mess Hall & Rec Centre, Workshops, Warehouses, Air Traffic Control & Casper-Werke Assembly Plant. Based on the book 'German Secret Flight Test Centres To 1945' by Beauvais, Kossler, Mayer & Regel.
Layout of the Luftwaffe's primary test centre for new and experimental aircraft. Includes Administration, Barracks, Hangers, Bomb Testing, Explosive Stores, Railway Station, Power House, workshops, Control Tower & large circular grass airfield. Based on the Book 'German Secret Flight Test Centres' by Beauvais, Kossler, Mayer & Regel.
Layout of Kubelwagen/Schwimmwagen/Volkswagen factory. Includes Offices, Machine Shops, Warehouses, Rail Loading Docks, Canal Loading Docks, Body & Assembly Plant, Metal Presses, Test Facilities, Town of Kraft-durch-Freude Stadt & Mittelland Canal. Based on article in After The Battle Magazine.
Layout of primary U Boat base. Includes Scorff Bunker, Keroman Bunkers, Dom Bunkers (whose boats moved to the water by rail!) & turntable, Torpedo Bunker, Hotel Gabriel Staff H.Q., Admiral Doentz H.Q. (when he was in town), Arsenal, Workshops. Based on map & article in After The Battle Magazine.
Layout of Peenemunde Rocket Centre. Includes Design Bureau, V2 Production Plant, V2 Launch Pads & Launch Control Centre, V1 Launch Ramp & Launch Control Centre, Liquid Oxygen Plant, Power Plant, Scientist's Housing, Labour Camp, etc. Based on 'Peenemunde Rocket Centre' article in After The Battle magazine #74.
Newest Members

Opponent Finder

Player Details For: Figo

Member #1314

Email: This player is currently not accepting email notifications
Member Since: 05/14/2004
Last Modified: 08/30/2007 
Type of Battle They Prefer: All
Version of CM They Wish To Use: CMBO,CMBB,CMAK
Mode Of Play (PBEM/TCP-IP): PBEM
# of Turns/Week They Can Play: 10
Their Hosting Preferences: Either
Their Time Zone: USA Eastern 
Time They Are Available:
(this has been converted to your time zone for your convenience) 
From: Not Specified
To: Not Specified
Their Experience Level: Regular
Max # of Turns/Game They Will Play: 31+
Side Preference (Axis/Allies): Either
Historical Accuracy Preference (Historical/Semi-Historical or Fictional): Historical
Their Preferences For Unit Purchasing: Allow Human
Maximum Map Size They Wish To Use: Large
Maximum Force Size They Wish To Use: 3000 pts.
Quick Battles Or Scenarios?: Scenario
Uses PBEM Helper?: No
Uses Fast/Trust Mode with PBEM Helper?: No
Their Comments:

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine" -Thomas Jefferson

Scenario Rating Distribution

10: 0 0.00 %
  9: 12 36.36 %
  8: 15 45.45 %
  7: 6 18.18 %
  6: 0 0.00 %
  5: 0 0.00 %
  4: 0 0.00 %
  3: 0 0.00 %
  2: 0 0.00 %
  1: 0 0.00 %

View all of this players reviews in detail

Note: We all have to be fair about the ratings, so please only rate an opponent that you have actually matched against. 

Player ratings and reviews:

Positive comments: 7 Neutral comments: 0 Negative comments: 0

Posted by: lthairdog
02/02/2006 at 14:25:00 P.S.T.
I've played multiple contests with Figo and I've enjoyed all of them! He's been patient when real life prevented me from getting turns out and always has a kind word. He is a talented opponent and an all around nice guy!
Posted by: gen. failure
07/11/2005 at 00:59:25 P.S.T.
Have been playing Figo a number of times now (PBEM) and allways lot's of fun and a challenge each time!

Posted by: brown
12/10/2004 at 03:03:36 P.S.T.
A Gentlemen with caplitalized "G", much more than an opponent for me.
It's very fun play vs him, many times our mail contain comments on the just passed turn and this increase the interest of the game.
Posted by: Larry Thorne
12/02/2004 at 11:41:26 P.S.T.
Figo..a true gentleman and a good opponent. This is my first time playing against him (2 scens at King of the Hill tourney) and truly hope it wont be the last..class act fast turnaround and most of all keeps up the communication even if not possible to send turns right at the moment. Awesome! :) Back to the battlefield...over and out..
-Larry Thorne
Posted by: lthairdog
11/19/2004 at 10:53:25 P.S.T.
A true delight to play against. Timely reponses, great dialogue and good tactics. What more could you ask for?
Posted by: brado
06/10/2004 at 17:36:45 P.S.T.
Playing with Rob now. Excellent tactics and a true gentleman. Still waiting on the outcome of our match.
Posted by: Fredrock1957
06/06/2004 at 22:31:21 P.S.T.
Ok, just finished my first PBEM with this guy.. It was his first ever and you would never know it.. A class act... good turnaround.. excellent tactics.. some real good fun... will play Rob anytime anyplace...
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